Thank you so much to those of you who were able to attend today's webinar on CSforAll in NJ hosted by NJ STEM Pathway Network and CS4NJ Coalition. We were excited to have nearly 60 attend and about 20 join the CS4NJ Google Group.
Our goal is to help ensure that all students in NJ have access to quality and equitable Computer Science Education as outlined in the Governors CS Action Plan. As part of CSforAll, the newly adopted 2020 NJ Students Learning Standards for Computer Science and Design Thinking are required for all students in K-8 starting in September 2022. Now is the time to start planning and we would be glad to help.
Here are some links that you might find useful:
CS4NJ.org - Repository for all things CS in NJ
CS4NJ Google Group - nearly 500 members discussing CS in NJ
- Use Chrome and Click "Ask to Join Group". You will be approved within 24 hours.
CSPD Week Registration - scholarships available for NJ K-8 educators
NJ CS Hubs - opportunities of K-12 PD
Please let me know if you have any questions and feel free to share this information with your administrators.
Daryl and Mayra