Hello all
Can you please send an email to the state board of education expressing concerns for the chapter 9 proposal for the CS endorsement for K-6 teachers? No need for a long email, the key is to let them know that we have a concern that these requirements will negatively impact the implementation of the NJ CS Standards and the goal of providing all students will equitable computer science education. This policy will limit the number of CS teachers in K-6, particularly in the areas of most need.
Here is the email - chapter9b@doe.nj.gov
Here is additional information:
CSTANJ and CS4NJ is VERY concerned about the chapter 9 proposal in regards to the the Computer Science endorsement requirements for K-6 teachers. The current wording has the same requirements for all CS teachers in K-12, regarding both 15 credits and taking the state test computer science knowledge (Praxis?). No other state has such rigorous requirements for K-6 teachers.
We submitted a proposal to help make it easier to K-6 teacher to teach CS, but that proposal was not accepted. Our last chance to encourage changes is by the November 9th meeting.
Chapter 9 proposal website - changes are in 9B
Chapter 9 Computer Science Summary - compiled by CS4NJ
CSTANJ/CS4NJ proposal - rejected
Please feel free to reach out if you have questions.
This is a huge step towards true CSforAll.
Thanks for your help.