At the State Board of education meeting this week, Acting Commissioner Allen-McMillan talked about her experience at CSEdCon and the importance of CSforAll.  She also mentioned the requirement for all students in K-8 to learn computer science based on the new CS standards. There was also a student representative, Lauren, who spoke about her experience with Cyberstart America. It was exciting to hear Computer Science as part of the conversation.
We are thankful for the responses to 4 questions asked about computer science (#19-22 here).    Please read them over and share your thoughts.   
Unfortunately, changes were not made the the Computer Science endorsement regarding Elementary Education which greatly concerns us.   Please feel free to share your thoughts on this with NJ State BOE using this link.
Whatever is in the proposal by the November 9th meeting will be the requirements we will have to work within for many years moving forward.   We highly recommend you send your questions and concerns to NJ State BOE using this link (9B) in the next week or so.   
Here is the computer science working in Chapter 9B
Here is CSTANJ / CS4NJ's proposal for changes to the elementary education requirements that was not accepted.  (feel free to share your thoughts with NJBOE)
Please let us know if you have any questions or thoughts on how we can make these regulations better for teachers and students so we can implement true and equitable CSforAll in NJ.