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MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Chapter Meeting Date: Wednesday, December 14th, 2022, 7:00 PM You must register to be eligible to win a 25 gift card to attend. You also have to fill out attendance form during the meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: https://stockton.zoom.us/j/93132551102?pwd=Zjk3UzVhK0VSMlFHUDh5blpCRm5nZz09 Passcode: 057794

PLEASE NOTE: You need to make sure that you are signed into CSTA in order to register! 

Meeting Registration closes on December 14th.
*Register for the meeting and fill out the attendance form on the night of the meeting for a chance to win a gift card! 

We are looking for members to present a 10-minute Nifty Lesson during a chapter meeting. Presenters Receive a $25 Gift card! 

Virtual-Join Zoom Meeting
Passcode: 057794
Galloway, NJ 08205
United States of America
Michelle Wendt