How You Can Help!

The New Jersey Computer Science Teachers Association is always looking for motivated educators looking to share their time and energy for the sake of improving Computer Science Education in our State. That said, it's important you contribute in ways you feel work best with your skill set and ways in which you feel professionally fulfilled. That said, here are a few ways we're always looking for support. If you don't see a fit, it doesn't mean we wouldn't appreciate your support! Reach out to us via our contact form or our Vice President or President listed on our Board & Advisors page.
Specific roles to fill
What we're always looking for:
CSEd week Conference Helpers
We're hosting A CSEd week in August We'll be in need of friendly organizers, presenters, helpers, moderators, and anyone else who can add a hand to "many hands make for light work."
Regional Advocates
Are you passionate about bringing Computer Science opportunities and causes to your District/Region/County? We're always looking for educators who are enthusiastic to speak at Board of Education meetings, write or submit Editorials to local publications, contact State Representatives, or even host VIPs in your classroom for various show-and-tell opportunities.
Do you have a passion to uplift your fellow teachers? If you're comfortable connecting with a teacher or two and providing advice, allowing educators to visit your classroom for Collegial visits, or perhaps just sharing a web space for Problems of Practice, this is an excellent opportunity for you.
Engaged Educators
A little bit of everything. Do you have something cool you're doing in your classroom or library media space you would like to share at a meeting during one of our Nifty Lessons times?
Money Finders!
Are you great at finding sponsors for events and organizations? Are you a grant finder and getter extraordinaire? We would love to work with you! The demand for funded Professional Development, stipends for teacher time, swag, marketing, and all the other niceties for a healthy organization costs money. Can you work your magic to help elevate Computer Science Education in New Jersey?
Graphic Designers
There's always a cool graphic or logo to design, and having you share a few moments to design something for a Story, Bulletin, Training, Home Page banner graphic, or the like is a great way to share your talents and feel good along the way.
Did you purchase that beautiful DSL with the incredible Lens and are looking for ways to share your talent? There's always an event or opportunity for some fantastic photos to be taken and shared with the world. Could you capture the next great New Jersey Computer Science photo?
Story writers
Do you want to flex your journalistic muscle? The CSTANJ website is a great place to contribute stories about opportunities, events, successes, and celebrations regarding Computer Science in New Jersey! The website uses a familiar WYSIWYG interface, and we have member volunteers to give you a hand in onboarding! We always need writers for the quarterly newsletter.