The first CSTANJ chapter meeting will be held virtually on Wednesday, September 28 from 7 pm - 8:15 pm. Note - the date has changed from 9/21. Sorry for any inconvenience!! The zoom link will be sent out a day or so in advance.
In addition to networking, sharing chapter goals, and a discussion of proposed Chapter 9 changes regarding computer science credentials. (More info), we are looking for a few volunteers to share a "Nifty" Lesson you've done in the past week or plan to do in the near future. You will give an overview of the lesson (~15 mins) and take questions (~5 mins). If the idea of a Nifty lesson gives you anxiety, consider it a "Show and Tell" lesson or a let me tell you about a recent lesson that worked chat. Complete this form to be considered by Tues, 9/20! You will receive a $25 gift card for your efforts! If you aren't chosen this time, we will be doing this in several chapter meetings in the future.
The meeting will conclude with a lucky participant being awarded a $25 Amazon Gift card.
The only resources we have for the proposed changes are included in this document. So far, our questions to the DOE have gone unanswered. There is an opportunity for us to comment on the changes. Members of the CSTANJ steering committee are preparing a response to include in the comments. After reviewing the changes yourself, please place any questions, comments, or thoughts in this form.