We are pleased to present our first chapter meeting of the school year.  For the first time ever (that I know of - LOL), our meeting has something for teachers in all grade bands K-12!   This is a big deal for our chapter and we are psyched!
Looking forward to seeing the miniature faces of so many great teachers!
Anne Kohart
For Zoom Login Info and Agenda Please Click > READ MORE


Topic: CSTANJ October Chapter Meeting 

Time: Oct 5, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: 

https://stockton.zoom.us/j/97073786136?pwd=Ymx4ODhHb05iRmF4K0J0czVhTHZsdz09 Password: 903229 

Or iPhone one-tap : 

US: +13017158592,,97073786136# or +13126266799,,97073786136# 

Or Telephone: 

Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): 

US: +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 436 2866 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 

Meeting ID: 970 7378 6136 

Password: 903229 

International numbers available: https://stockton.zoom.us/u/asSnPNJx6 



7:00- 7:15 pm 

Chapter Business 

● Pres. Report, Anne Kohart, Acting CSTANJ President 

● Treas Report, Lee Hayden, CSTANJ treasurer 

● Update from CS4NJ, Daryl Detrick, Director CS4NJ

7:15 - 8 :15 pm Breakout Rooms 

K-5 Teachers: 

Paige Besthoff, Teacher of Digital “Techknowledgy” and Gifted & Talented, grades 2-5 Spotswood, NJ 

Join us to decompress and discuss challenges you may be having this year. We will also discuss ideas to implement the Networks & the Internet standard during Digital Citizenship week beginning October 18. 

6 -8 Teachers: 

Samantha Selikof, Roseanna Misuraca 

We’ve been busy cultivating resources aimed at middle school teachers. Join us to learn more! 

9 - 12 Teachers 

SaraAnn Stanway, network engineer at Bloomberg 

She will provide resources/walk through the basics of GitHub


NextChapterMeetingWednesday, Nov17th 

Topic: CSEDWeek Ideas & Extending CSEdweek throughout the school year. K-8 break out, HS break out