Exciting CS4NJ news from Daryl Detrick
Thanks Ari Moctesuma and Shirley Mautone from the NJ Research and Development Council for helping coordinate these efforts and Ricky Darbert for creating the new site. We would also like to thank Google.org for the community grant that allowed this to happen.
Our goal is to have CS4NJ.org as a repository for all things Computer Science Education related in New Jersey. There is information about curriculum, professional development, the CS Hubs, NJDOE, the Governor's CS Action Plan, CS in the news and more. If you have CS PD opportunities or CS events that you would like post, please forward to Ari or me.
New CS4NJ Program Manager
On another note, I am excited to introduce Ari Moctesuma as the new part time Program Manager for CS4NJ. She will be helping with communications, sharing of resources and keeping the website up to date. She can be contacted at arielleg@gmail.com
Celebrating 10 years
We have made a lot of progress over the last 10 years since that first CSTACNJ meeting on December 11, 2012. We are so thankful to have all of you involved in the effort to implement equitable CSforAll in NJ.
Hope you had a great CSEdWeek.